Biden and Trump have the lowest average approval ratings out of any post-World War II presidents, according to Gallup.
President Joe Biden has a lower rating than his three White House predecessors, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, and George W.
Of 18 issues surveyed, the only one that a plurality of respondents said the US has improved on is rights for gay, lesbian, ...
Joe Biden is about to leave office with a series of missteps that have tainted his legacy as president, experts told Newsweek ...
Despite the best efforts of aides, staffers and spin doctors in the media, it appears that President Joe Biden’s legacy will be forever tarnished. A recently released […] ...
President Biden’s approval rating as he leaves office matches the lowest of his presidency in a recent poll from CNN. In the ...
Survey suggests Americans believe history will not look favorably on the outgoing president, but some experts think otherwise ...
A majority of Americans believe Biden’s presidency will be viewed negatively, but historians disagree. Here's why.
A majority of Americans say the nation fell behind in key areas like race relations, crime, national defense and education in ...
A poll shows Biden's approval lower than Trump and Obama, with 77% believing he did not fulfill his campaign promises.
A new Gallup survey found over half, 54%, believe Biden will be remembered as a “below average” (17%) or “poor” (37%) ...
From the White House he will soon cede to Trump, Biden likens the current crop of tech moguls to the “robber barons” of the 19th century.