Kenya conjures up images for many of us; those wide-open plains, the thundering wildebeest migration and the chants of the native Masai. But while all these are part and parcel of the Kenyan ...
Dubai is the most populated city in the UAE and the capital of the Emirate of Dubai. The city has grown rapidly from a small fishing village to a sprawling lavish city and global business hub. Dubai ...
Increasing numbers of visitors are heading to the Ethiopia to discover its fascinating indigenous tribes, ancient religious sites, and landscapes carved by nature. One of the oldest Christian nations ...
This information is provided to offer guidance to those seeking to live and work overseas. For more information we recommend that you speak with your national government Foreign Office (or equivalent) ...
Oman is one of the most historic countries in the world. The oldest independent state in the Arab world, Oman was once a world-wide super power with an empire stretching all the way to northern Africa ...
Nicaragua is a taste of what Central America would have once been like. While tourism the influx of wealthy travellers has transformed countries like Costa Rica and Panama, Nicaragua continues to ...
Hong Kong’s residents have the highest life expectancy in the world; 78 for men and 84 for women. This is, in part, due to its highly developed medical services. In Hong Kong the government and Health ...
As a tourist destination, Guatemala is still very much “off the beaten track”. It’s far more likely that someone you know might have visited Mexico or Costa Rica but in many ways this is a good thing.
Uruguay may be a small country but it is big on personality. Well-known as one of the liberal Latin American countries, it also ranks highly for freedom of the press, resilience of the government and ...
Papua New Guinea lies just north of Australia in the Pacific Ocean. Classed as a developing country with over 8 million people living within customary communities, this expansive island showcases ...
Jordan is perhaps the most relaxed of all the Middle Eastern nations, making it an ideal travel destination. Western visitors find that they are largely free to explore the country at will, without ...
They say that you get what you pay for, and never is this truer than in the case of Switzerland. The country – famous for giving the world Swiss army knives, Roger Federer and the first ever bond girl ...