An 1849 handbill from the California Gold Rush. PD. The discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill on January 24, 1848 unleashed the largest migration in United States history and drew people from a dozen ...
Castleton, Edward 2018. Untimely Meditations on the Revolution of 1848 in France. Opera Historica, Vol. 19, Issue. 2, p. 244. Grieco, Giuseppe 2019. A legal theory for the nation state. Pasquale ...
No ano de 1848 ocorreram várias revoluções na Europa. A 24 de fevereiro, em Paris, artesãos, universitários, trabalhadores e a Guarda Nacional haviam se rebelado contra a miséria e ...
The National Assembly that met in May 1848 in Frankfurt's St. Paul's Church failed in its attempt to establish a German nation-state. But on the 175th anniversary, there are calls to commemorate ...
refuse removal an effective sewerage system and clean running water in every house a qualified medical officer appointed in each area The 1848 Public Health Act set up the Board of Health.
Wilentz, Sean 1981. Artisan Origins of the American Working Class. International Labor and Working-Class History, Vol. 19, Issue. , p. 1.