Revealing the impressive new peak in a recent post, Fox celebrates the fresh influx of players and hints that the unmissable ...
As the latest chapters of Toby Fox's new RPG Deltarune approach, it's a great time to play Undertale, especially now that ...
The Steam player count for Toby Fox's cult hit RPG Undertale has reached a new record almost ten years after the game's ...
It's hard to comprehend that Undertale will be 10 years old later this year. But new audiences apparently keep finding the ...
If you missed that particular window, good news! For the next three days, you can get Undertale for less than the price of a ...
Toby Fox’s heartfelt indie gem is turning ten this year, and it’s on sale for an insanely low price, so now’s the time to ...
It's got an incredibly similar approach to character design, with the Mimigas being incredibly similar to the Dreemurrs. On ...
Developer Toby Fox is back with another update on the much-anticipated Deltarune Chapter 3 and 4, inching toward an as-yet unknown release date that is still promised to come later this year.
Deltarune developer Toby Fox says that console testing for Chapters 3 and 4 is still underway. The team is also ensuring that save files from the demo carry over to the main title on consoles.